Some get lucky and come home with this baby that not only sleeps mostly at night, but goes almost 4 hours without waking to eat. You can wish for it, but I wouldn’t because I doubt it’s going to happen. Expect to be on call to be the human dairy queen about every hour to an hour and a half. Then, if you get home and your baby sleeps 2-3 hours, you can consider yourself lucky. I always found it best to not have expectations so then you can’t be let down.

Sleep When the Baby Sleeps!

I also bet that someone has told you, “sleep when the baby sleeps”. If not, I will tell you, sleep when the baby sleeps! It’s easy especially if this is your first child, you don’t have other children to tend to so just expect to not have a “night” or a “day” for a few weeks. You will be in such a “high” from having your baby, it’ won’t matter that there is no such thing as days or nights either.

Just don’t expect this three day old being expect to know what night is and that he is supposed to sleep then. That is the biggest mistake you could make because then you ar having expectations and they will not be met, leaving you disappointed and eventually depressed if you calculate your lack of sleep. I know that Thursday is your cleaning day but if your baby had you up all night because he couldn’t get that burp up, laundry can wait another day the world won’t come to an end. It’s more important right now to save your energy in order to take care of your baby.